폐쇄형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌

Danish/Nordic Approach to Transformative Pedagogy and Learning

모집기간 2021-09-06 ~ 2025-12-31
학습기간 2021-09-18 ~ 2025-12-31(224 주)
강좌아이디 2025_80_CL002_16_0_
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강좌 소개


For the last 5-10 years the holistic Danish approach to teaching, learning and forming democratic minded and responsible citizens has generated significant international interest.

This is due the fact that there is a rising worldwide realization that education in the 21st Century should focus on more than just preparing students to be part of the work-force, it also needs to facilitate the formation of responsible and reflecting members of society.

The Danish understanding of education is guided by the concept of "almendannelse" . A concept that entails that the purpose of teaching is to form "whole" human beings, who are willing and able to become active, reflecting and responsible members of society, and has formed an approach to teaching  that focuses on academic competencies such as independent and critical thinking, "soft" social skills such as empathy and "understanding of the other,  and also strives to make sure that  learning is driven by inner student motivation.


In this course, the instructors will concentrate on the best features of the Danish approach to transformative learning, focusing on:

     - Teaching independent and critical thinking

     - Teaching democratic dialogue - including respect for fellow students

     - Teaching students´ ability to reflect on their own identity as citizens

     - Teaching working with inner motivation



During the modules the attendees will presented to pedagogical assignments/approaches to teaching, which they can try to implement in their own classes - on assignment approach related to each of the modules.


강사 소개


Trine Normann Andersen, Anders Schultz,  Mads Leth, Mads Blom

E-mail:  nordicteachingcourses@gmail.com


imageMr. Anders Schultz

      - CEO of Nordicteaching, Head of Global Citizenship at Rysensteen high school and a teacher of history and cultural understanding at Rysensteen high school. (the number 1 high school in Denmark based on GPA). A Job which entails working with partner schools in the US, Canada, Singapore, China, Egypt, Uganda, Russia and, South Korea.

      - Mr. Anders Schultz has edited and Co-authored Veje til Verdensborgerskab - (Paths to Global Citizenship) about the Global Citizenship Programme and the strengths of the Danish Education system and culture in the light of the political and educational challenges of the 21st Century.

      - As a teacher and as leader and CEO, Mr. Anders Schultz focuses on the importance of critical thinking and  the open, democratic dialogue as both a tool to gain academic insights but also to improve the students` empathy and understanding of each. other - no matter political affiliation, religion, ethnicity etc.

imageMrs. Trine Normann Andersen

      - Trine Normann Vangsbo is a licensed clinical psychologist. She is specialized in cross-cultural psychology and trauma and has her own private practice. In her career, she has worked as an educational psychologist, worked with refugees and taught psychology besides therapy.

      - At present, she has gone online, teaching and having therapy sessions mainly with expats around the world. She also works with MUREPA, a Korean ed tech company, promoting knowledge on learning and education in Korea and Denmark.

      - She has held numerous lectures on various topics around intercultural issues and well as stress and trauma. 


imageMr. Mads Leth

      - Teacher of Math and Chemistry at Rysensteen high school in Copenhagen, Denmark.

      - Mr. Mads Leth is one of the most accomplished Danish teachers in the field of Math and Chemistry.  He is often used as a lecturer at high schools in Denmark - presenting his progressive learning style, and has contributed to both text books and projects regarding the collaboration between Danish businesses and Danish schools and universities.

      - His special field of interest is the students´ inner motivation when working with Math and Chemistry - and forming new, and more constructive feed-back strategies.


imageMr. Mads Blom

      - Mr. Mads Blom is a teacher of Danish language and history. He has written articles, reviews and edited books about various historical topics, including text books for educational use in high school. He holds a highly respected website about historical theory and methodology directed at students in high school and university level.

      - He specializes in the fields of using history as a tool to make the students reflect on their own roles as citizens in a societal and historical context.

      - Also he works extensively with the field of history and collective memory, and focuses on making the students reflect upon how their understanding of the present affects their understanding of the present and vice versa.


강좌 리뷰

  • Schilling Hendrik
    thank you for this intereting course
    thanks for the opportunity
  • Preethimali Priyambika
    This is a very good opportunity for me to learn about new ways and approaches of teaching .I could gain new concepts and methods of teaching through the activities i have completed so far .
  • Wangchuk Thinley
    The outstanding approach which ignites the democratic nature of oneself and the course will impact the approaches henceforth.
  • Rathnayake Dulani
    Excellent opportunity for me as a teacher trainer to know about the Danish approach and how to enhance the critical thinking skills of learners.
  • Monju Md. Al Imran
    Really this is an awesome opportunity for us to learn something through this course. I am happy to be a part of this. Thanks for conducting this course and give us the opportunity to learn something new. Thanks