개방형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌

GCED101: Introduction to GCED

모집기간 2019-04-01 ~ 2025-12-31
학습기간 2019-04-01 ~ 2025-12-31(352 주)
강좌아이디 2025_80_CL005_1_0_
  • 각자의 학습 속도에 맞춰 강좌를 수강하세요

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강좌 소개


The course aims to provide an overview of the GCED (Global Citizenship Education) as well as its background, concepts under the framework of UNESCO, and guidelines for teaching and learning. The course will help participants gain an understanding of the key concepts and principles of GCED, recognize educational issues relevant to GCED, and identify pedagogical approaches to GCED.



   Chapter 1  The World We Live in 1 
   Chapter 2  The World We Live in 2
   Chapter 3  The Education We Need
   Chapter 4  Emergence of GCED as Global Education Agenda
   Chapter 5  Understanding GCED within SDG4
   Chapter 6  Who is a Global Citizen?
   Chapter 7  What is Global Citizenship Education(GCED)?
   Chapter 8  Thematic Areas of GCED
   Chapter 9  Learning Contents of GCED
   Chapter 10    Teaching GCED to Transform: Pedagogical Principles of GCED
   Chapter 11  How to Teach GCED Effectively: Teaching Strategies and Approaches
   Chapter 12  GCED in Practice: Teaching GCED in Classroom


Certificates will be given to participants who fulfill the requirements; more than 80% of lecture attendance and submission of an assignment at the end of the course.






강사 소개



Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding under the auspices of UNESCO


The Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding (APCEIU) was established in 2000 as a UNESCO Category 2 centre to promote education for a Culture of Peace. APCEIU is working in close collaboration with UNESCO Offices, National Commissions of Member States, related educational institutes, and civil society to promote global citizenship education (GCED) under the framework of education for international understanding (EIU) towards a Culture of Peace.


APCEIU has devoted itself to strengthening GCED/EIU capacities by pursuing its philosophy and policies through training teachers and teacher trainers; research and policy development; developing educational materials and programs; organizing different levels of workshops and conferences; and strengthening the network of teachers, educators, experts, civil society leaders and other stakeholders.


강좌 리뷰

  • Pereira Viviane
    Thank you,GCED! This is an amazing course
  • Dellomos Carl
    This online course is the ULTIMATE GUIDE for GCED teachers, advocates, and researchers.
  • Castor Bethany
    I like this Chapter 1 as it awakens me to see through some challanges and contradiction brough by Education. Thanks a lot for empowering and inspiring me
  • Ismaaciil Furre Yuusuf Xaaji Xuseen
    this course introduced me to the concept of GCED and 17SDG and precisely SDG 4.7. I am now able to relate my profession as a teacher to GCED. I have learned that I have more role to play as a teacher. My assumptions on the application and incorporating GCED in elementary grades has changed.
  • Casis Jr. Hilario Dioquino
    I like this Chapter 2 as it awakens me to see through some challanges and contradiction brough by Globalization. Thanks a lot for empowering and inspiring me
  • Fadesere Kayode Martins
    This is an amazing course that every changers needs to undergo in other to see themselves as a global. collective collaboration between government and active citizens is a key in making the dream of global citizens education to come to pass.
  • Castilla Sophia
    I have a lot of things learned in this course.
  • Aquino Elyza Jane
    This is really an amazing course. I learned a lot of lessons here and it helps me to be more aware and knowledgeable about the different global issues of the world.
  • Demafeliz Lynn
    I really love this course so related to me as an educator
  • Wangmo
    this course introduced me to the concept of GCED and 17SDG and precisely SDG 4.7. I am now able to relate my profession as a teacher to GCED. I have learned that I have more role to play as a teacher. My assumptions on the application and incorporating GCED in elementary grades has changed.
    All twelve chapters has its own highlights and it was progressively linked to the other. The explanation of each slides, chapters, topic, examples were relevant and useful for me to understand. I had learned a great deal and today my perspective about my professions had changed. Thank you GCED for providing such an opportunity to learn about GCED online.
    best wishes and prayers.