개방형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌

Becoming Global Citizens for a Sustainable Society

모집기간 2019-09-01 ~ 2024-12-31
학습기간 2019-09-30 ~ 2024-12-31(274 주)
강좌아이디 2024_80_CL005_23_0_
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강좌 소개


This course introduces the SDGs and the notion of Global Citizenship through the series of lectures by renowned experts from all over the world, interviews with scholars, advocates and representatives from all different sectors, and case presentations by active global citizens. 


The course aims to examine and critically reflect on the revolving issues around the globe at local, national, and international levels by providing a platform where learners can virtually meet and learn from one another.


Learners will be able to deepen their understanding of the SDGs and global citizenship, exchange and embrace different perspectives, and challenge their own assumptions.


The course invites those who see themselves as global citizens as well as who aspire to assume active roles in bringing meaningful changes to oneself and to the society they are in.


No. Module Units
1 Global Citizenship and the SDGs

1) Understanding global citizenship in the context of the SDGs.

2) Why & What is Global Citizenship?

3) Issues Around Global Citizenship

2 Global Citizenship in a Challenging World

Key Challenges to Global Citizenship

- Poverty & Glocal Justice

- Consumerism & Eco Justice

- Peace & Preventing Violent Extremism

- Media Influence and Critical Literacy

- Globalization & Migration

- Gender Equality

3 Act to Change: Global Citizenship for Transformation

1) Highlights and Key Issues of the SDGs

2) Global Partnership for Achieving the SDGs

4 Meet the Global Citizens Around the World Case studies of innovative movements and cases of global citizens
5 Plan for Action: Becoming Active Global Citizens

1) How to become active global citizens

2) Advocacy tools and strategies


강사 소개

image  image 


< List of Speakers >













강좌 리뷰

    This course is inevitably of paramount importance in my ESD (Education for Sustainable Development) activities. I will consult it regularly as it is available online. I have already encouraged all of my collaborators to follow it fully and regularly because, as the saying goes, "Repetition is the roof of teaching".
  • Luputa Mwansa
    It was a very good course that challenged me to start taking action.
  • Omosa Collins Bigogo
    I believe that through this workshop I was given the opportunity to enhance, improve my characteristics, expand my perspective and help to value more cultural diversity and erase prejudice.
  • Gamaidandi DOUSWE
    The course was very enriching and I learned a lot of new things
  • Shaikh Talha ahmed
    learned a a lot of new things and ideas which can help me out later on in future.
  • Balal Md. Hajrat
    I learn some new things from this course which broaden my outlook toward the society.
  • Wardimansyah Iwan
    This course is very interesting and the course is given by great people. I am very happy to have the opportunity to gain knowledge from them ... Thank you
  • Yahya Asmaau
    This course has been an eye opener and a reminder in a lot of ways. I'm glad I am privileged to be a participant .
  • Sapiera Stephen RB
    This course has been very comprehensive. I appreciated the interviews, lectures, and panel discussions from industry leaders. They truly provided a clearer picture of what is a Global Citizen and how we all are integral in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
  • Anggia Puji Syara
    I'm very pleased to be one of participans in this course. This course was very insightful and pushed me to become a global citizenship in my beloved country, Indonesia.