폐쇄형 강좌심화강좌

Global citizenship and Cultural diversity

모집기간 2018-06-12 ~ 2018-07-05
학습기간 2018-07-16 ~ 2018-08-12(4 주)
강좌아이디 2018_80_CL002_1_0_
  • 강좌 일정 따라 운영

  • 지원 및 선발 과정 진행

  • 강사 개별 지도

  • 이수증 발급
    강좌 이수 직후 이수증을 발급 받으세요

  • 무료강좌

강좌 소개

The course, Global Citizenship and Cultural Diversity is targeted at practitioners in the field of education and development, social and youth workers, as well as policy-makers and civil servants. The goal of the course is to further broaden their perspectives on the topic, sharpen their knowledge and skills, as well as to strengthen their capacity to carry out what they’ve learned in their contexts.


This course provides participants with a critical understanding of the relation between Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Understanding in a globalized world. The first module looks at Cultural diversity in a globalizing world within the context of Global Citizenship and Global Education. The second module of this course discusses the different elements of Global Citizenship through explaining the different elements and instruments of Global Education. The third module reflects on intercultural learning competences and the intercultural dialogue in the public political discourse. The fourth and last module of this course focuses on the practical use of Intercultural Global Education in terms of political and social action. It also explores the key dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals.


Next to getting acquainted to various theories and instruments, participants will, through assignments, work on their own strategy development plan which they can use after the course in their own context.

강사 소개


This course is led by a team of instructors consisting of Gerd Junne, and Vic Klabbers.


As a team they have been offering online courses in the context of Social Transformation since 1999 and offer various courses in the context of Global Citizenship.  


Prof. Gerd Junne held the chair in International Relations at the University of Amsterdam for 30 years. His activities mostly take place in the context of social transformation and include amongst others topics like Migration, Community Developmtrepreneurship Training for youth, and Agribusiness education.


Vic Klabbers has a background in International Political Economy and Development studies and has been developing and tutoring online courses since 1999. Next to Global Education and Citizenship he also specializes in Human Rights Based Approach, Ecological Sanitation, and Governance Accountability. Next to online courses he also advices on Scenario and concept development, educational reform at universities, and Internet Communication Strategies towards youth.

강좌 리뷰

  • Anonymous
    The course contents are worth learning. Loved all the contents.
  • Anonymous
    Online learning, learning something new , the discussions topics were interesting, connecting and making new friends
  • Anonymous
    The course contents gave me deeper understanding and increased my cultural understanding on the various issues, challenges and concerns in achieving sustainable peace especially in Mindanao.
  • Anonymous
    though I have a sort of background in mind about the content, however, all the course contents here that I have read really help me a lot to create a more meaningful understanding of global citizenship education, intercultural education and culture.
  • Anonymous
    Most are appreciated and useful, but GCED in a globalized world impressed me with the speech by Simon Anholt.
  • Anonymous
    The use of intercultural education in education for global happiness
  • Anonymous
    I appreciate the three core conceptual dimensions of GCED-cognitive, socio-emotional and behavioural. I think learning is not complete if these 3 dimensions are not infused in any lesson.