All products, resources and services from this website("Services") are provided by APCEIU. Services from this website cannot be used for advertising, marketing or in ways which are inconsistent with APCEIU’s mission. These Services cannot be altered, sold, redistributed or used to crete derivative works.


All Services are the property of the Asia-Pacific Centre of Education for International Understanding under the auspices of UNESCO and facilitators, who had all rights in connection with their usage.


Prior written permission is required to reproduce our Services. Such permissions are granted on a one-time non-exclusive basis and may be renewed.


APCEIU cares about the security of its users. While APCEIU works to protect the security of account and related information of users.
Please notify to APCEIU Online Campus Team immediately of any compromise or unauthorized use of your account.


The Services enable users to share their content, such as homework, quizzes, projects and other resources they upload ("User Content") with APCEIU, facilitators, and/or other users. Users retain all intellectual property rights in, and are reponsible for, the User Content they share.