개방형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌

Using Film to Build Global Competency and Dialogue

모집기간 2022-06-03 ~ 2024-12-31
학습기간 2022-06-26 ~ 2024-12-31(131 주)
강좌아이디 2024_80_CL005_9_5_
  • 각자의 학습 속도에 맞춰 강좌를 수강하세요

  • 이수증 발급
    강좌 이수 직후 이수증을 발급 받으세요

  • 무료강좌

강좌 소개

Welcome to this course! Together we will explore how to build global competency and dialogue by using films. Throughout the course, you will engage in different activities including reflecting in the forum on current practices, goals, and aspirations. We will explore ways to use film to create social emotional learning opportunities and self-reflection, as well as to facilitate dialogue around the student experience of documentary film. In addition, we will develop methods for investigating film background and exploring essential questions. And finally, we will explore ways that film can inspire positive social change through action, advocacy and awareness. This learning experience will guide you to create and share a lesson plan and get feedback from your peers. You will also have an opportunity to share your experiences teaching your lesson in a short reflection paper.  


Along with the following five sessions, three live sessions with the instructor will be made for the course participants!








강사 소개


Ms Jennifer Geist

Jennifer Geist is a Global Education Consultant at Zeitgeist Creations. Her work responds to a variety of needs in the dynamic field of Global Education. She develops curriculum and design programs in collaboration with teachers, schools and foundations to engage students in the critical issues of our times. Using the latest digital technologies, she curates and creates learning materials and manages online projects, facilitates collaboration and mentors meaningful service learning to support the next generation of sensitive and informed global citizens and well informed change agents.

강좌 리뷰

  • Lainez Maxwell
    Awesome course, it has very useful info.
    This course will help me improve communication skills and improve my social interaction that will help me also to inculcate to my students.