개방형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌
Global Citizenship Education for Lifelong Learning Practitioners
모집기간 | 2022-01-21 ~ 2024-12-31 |
학습기간 | 2022-01-21 ~ 2024-12-31(154 주) |
강좌아이디 | 2024_80_CL005_1_0_CL005001 |
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강좌 소개
The course 'Global Citizenship Education for Lifelong Learning Practitioners' invites educators aspiring to apply GCED in their education programmes or activities in informal or non-formal sectors. Focusing on the strategies of bringing GCED into lifelong learning, the course explores the close linkage between GCED and lifelong learning, introduces good practices in different parts of the world, and steps to design learners' own education activities. The course is strongly recommended for those who wish to promote global citizenship in their community learning programmes or any educational activities in informal or non-formal environments.