폐쇄형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌
Media and Information Literacy for Empowerment and Advocacy
모집기간 | 2021-10-28 ~ 2025-12-31 |
학습기간 | 2021-11-01 ~ 2025-12-31(217 주) |
강좌아이디 | 2025_80_CL002_21_0_ |
각자의 학습 속도에 맞춰 강좌를 수강하세요
이수증 발급
강좌 이수 직후 이수증을 발급 받으세요무료강좌
강좌 리뷰
GO Sukyungvery good. indeed
jardinel ruizVery useful and full of helpful information
Lumbis Mariah SimoneVery satisfied
Menes Jamiebellevery satisfied
Bernales Kassandra CharlotteVery informative.
Arcilla NikkiVery useful and having knowledge
Oredo Crestalina Chanvery useful and knowledgeable
Zuño Zyron JohnVery resourceful course
Loyd Gallego Loyd Gallegoohhhh
so cuteeeee
Clarice Jenn Malto Clarice Jenn Maltothank you for this course.