폐쇄형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌

Digital Safety

모집기간 2021-10-28 ~ 2024-12-31
학습기간 2021-11-01 ~ 2024-12-31(165 주)
강좌아이디 2024_80_CL002_20_0_
  • 각자의 학습 속도에 맞춰 강좌를 수강하세요

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강좌 소개

The use of digital media and platforms has become a seamless extension of everyday life for many people across the world, and, in response to the global pandemic, this has become even more deeply entrenched. While vast inequalities exist, digital platform use is steadily increasing across the globe. Safe navigation of these digital spaces is a critical issue.
Whereas many digital safety programmes are focused on digital security, a term which mostly takes into account the protection of digital assets and information, it is vitally important that young people are given tools to maximise their digital safety, a more holistic approach that covers all aspects of potential dangers and harms might encounter in the digital space. There is no point in encouraging young people to limit their digital engagement, as traditional safety programmes have tended to do. This course will be a practical resource that takes into account the realities of our digital world.

강사 소개


강좌 리뷰

  • Loria Jaya Mae
    This course is educational and motivating, with a focus on digital security and a secure online environment.
  • Curba John Melan
    This course is highly relevant in today's digital age.
  • Maravilla Allyna Mae
    This course provides new opportunities for young people's learning and growth about digital safety.
  • Penaredondo Kristine
    this course was helpful to all student
  • Encinares Viah
    This course is very helpful to all of the digital space users to have a well- detailed information on how to be responsible online.
  • Agtuca Sheila Marie

    This course is very informative and taught me how to be responsible when using digital
  • Gonzales Princess
    This course is very helpful and effective
  • M. Camalla Angelica
    It is helpful not only for student but to all online users.
  • zhang zhan
    It is very good
  • xinyu Zhang
    it is very great