개방형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌

Becoming Global Citizens for a Sustainable Society

모집기간 2019-09-01 ~ 2024-12-31
학습기간 2019-09-30 ~ 2024-12-31(274 주)
강좌아이디 2024_80_CL005_23_0_
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강좌 소개


This course introduces the SDGs and the notion of Global Citizenship through the series of lectures by renowned experts from all over the world, interviews with scholars, advocates and representatives from all different sectors, and case presentations by active global citizens. 


The course aims to examine and critically reflect on the revolving issues around the globe at local, national, and international levels by providing a platform where learners can virtually meet and learn from one another.


Learners will be able to deepen their understanding of the SDGs and global citizenship, exchange and embrace different perspectives, and challenge their own assumptions.


The course invites those who see themselves as global citizens as well as who aspire to assume active roles in bringing meaningful changes to oneself and to the society they are in.


No. Module Units
1 Global Citizenship and the SDGs

1) Understanding global citizenship in the context of the SDGs.

2) Why & What is Global Citizenship?

3) Issues Around Global Citizenship

2 Global Citizenship in a Challenging World

Key Challenges to Global Citizenship

- Poverty & Glocal Justice

- Consumerism & Eco Justice

- Peace & Preventing Violent Extremism

- Media Influence and Critical Literacy

- Globalization & Migration

- Gender Equality

3 Act to Change: Global Citizenship for Transformation

1) Highlights and Key Issues of the SDGs

2) Global Partnership for Achieving the SDGs

4 Meet the Global Citizens Around the World Case studies of innovative movements and cases of global citizens
5 Plan for Action: Becoming Active Global Citizens

1) How to become active global citizens

2) Advocacy tools and strategies


강사 소개

image  image 


< List of Speakers >













강좌 리뷰

  • Prudencio Leonardo
    I must say that this course helped me through a lot. It helped me understand the Sustainable Developmental Goals as well as on how to be a better global citizen.
    MUHAMMAD NOOR HAFIS BIN MOHD ARIS is my name. I received a lot of feedback throughout the session that I signed for, which was about being global citizens for a sustainable world. Readers should be aware that I am a student at the University of Malaya and that I am from a rural location. Because I don't have a robust internet connection, I have to go out and obtain it. When I continue my studies at the University of Malaya, I will be able to enrol in a variety of classes, including this one.To avoid societal violence, this class pursues me. My involvement in this has taught me how to be a better person and a more useful human being in the future. as well as current events This has made me realise that being a wonderful human being is extremely difficult, and not everyone is capable of carrying such a tremendous burden. This lesson has also opened the ground for me to develop into a human being capable of competing in numerous areas as a global citizen.I now live in one of the developing countries that is capable of competing worldwide. However, if our generation's young people are always striving to be global human beings, it is not inconceivable that this country will achieve greater global ututh.Classes like this, in my opinion, should be increased, and students as well as adults should attend and participate in them. Everything I learn in this class benefits me in some way in my life. Learning is not a waste of time for me, but rather an investment. because the required knowledge will not be lost to the passage of time For me, the knowledge I've gained now will be extremely beneficial not just in the present but also in the future. As a result, this type of lesson is quite beneficial and should be continued. That is my point of view about the class.It is intended that this may be stressed in all aspects and developed to give young people early exposure to how to become community members.
  • Marbella Rosel
    Very enlightening and relevant course
  • Ensamega Michelle
    It is an informative course
  • Pinlac Monsour
    Very informative
  • Macascas Arabela
    It is very informative and helpful for the youth like me.
  • Siachifuwe Beenzu
    Course is very informative. It should be included in the school curriculums.
  • Balao Lackiegen
    Amazing and very informative course.
    Awesome Course, I will recommend this to other.
  • Sing`andu Stephen
    Good & informative course