폐쇄형 강좌심화강좌

Preventing Hate Speech: The Role of Media Literacy

모집기간 2024-07-30 ~ 2024-08-21
학습기간 2024-09-02 ~ 2024-10-31(9 주)
강좌아이디 2024_80_CL002_8_0_
  • 강좌 일정 따라 운영

  • 지원 및 선발 과정 진행

  • 강사 개별 지도

  • 이수증 발급
    강좌 이수 직후 이수증을 발급 받으세요

  • 무료강좌

강좌 소개

What can be done when online hate speeches spread into the physical world? This closed course is designed for educators who want to teach about Media and Information Literacy. It will focus on the spreading of prejudice and stereotypes online and their consequences offline. The workshop will explain the role played by the Internet and the mechanisms of their diffusion on social networks (trends and patterns of online extremism). Using material found online, this course will allow the participants to experiment hands-on the functioning of Internet, define their own posture, and will give them the tools and recommendations to teach about it.

In particular, students who want to apply for this course should complete the prerequisite course “Critical Media Literacy” in advance.

Module No Title
1 The Challenges of Privacy Online
2 Consequences of Fake News and Conspiracy Theories
3 Online Discrimination and Hate Speech by Extremist Groups
4 The Role of Education


강사 소개


Mr. Fabrice Teicher

 - Independent consultant for NGOs and international institutions in structural change

 - Facilitator & Instructor on MIL and PVE (Prevention of Violent Extremism) at international seminars and workshops, including UNESCO

 - Experienced in the field of human rights, and worked on issues of racism, anti-Semitism and particularly issues on memory and victim competitions and conspiracy theoriesFabrice Teicher has been working for 20 years in the field of education, training and international solidarity in Europe, Asia and Africa. In charge of the training programs then of the international projects of a French Scouting association, he then coordinated the educational department of the Holocaust Memorial in Paris, and later directed a humanitarian development NGO present in 12 countries, to help children in needs.

Holding a MA in Contemporary History from the Sorbonne University in Paris, he has been working for 20 years on the issues of racism and discrimination and especially on issues of memory and victim competitions and conspiracy theories. This work has led him to intervene for some years in PVE programs in prisons, in schools and with professionals facing the rise of racism and extremism (civil servants, teachers, social workers, policymakers) as well as with International Organizations. He has been contributing to various PVE seminars and publications for UNESCO for the past few years.

Fabrice Teicher is an expert for the Radicalisation Awareness Network(RAN) of the European Commission.

E-mail: fabteicher@yahoo.fr

강좌 리뷰

  • Tartisio Hamuha
    The course was incredibly informative and eye-opening. Before taking this course, I had very little knowledge about impact of hate speech on individuals and the society as a whole.

    Throughout the course, I learnt about the importance of critical thinking and also gained a deep understanding of the ways in which hate speech can be perpetuated by the media and the social media platforms.

    Overall, I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in promoting a more tolerant and inclusive society. The knowledge and skills I gained from this course truly have reshape my thinking and outlook about online hate speech, and I look forward to putting them into practice in my own work as an educator.

    [Alumna of Teaching MIL to Prevent Hate Speech 2023]
  • Erika Page
    This class has been extremely valuable to me, both in terms of my personal life and my future teaching endeavors. The professor is highly knowledgeable, and I am eager to learn more from him. I have gained a wealth of new strategies for engaging with students, particularly through the use of platforms like Padlet and Scrumblr. Additionally, I have delved deeply into our group's case study on the Christchurch mosque shooter. As someone with a keen interest in forensic profiling, I found this topic particularly fascinating. Moreover, I have acquired significant insights into the process of radicalization. One discussion that particularly struck me was about the disturbing presence of violence in the obscure corners of social media, often disguised as a game. While this does instill fear in me, it also serves as a motivation to raise awareness and disseminate more information about this issue.

    [Alumna of Teaching MIL to Prevent Hate Speech 2023]