Total 34
  • Exclusively for Youth

    GCED for Youth

    This course introduces the SDGs and the notion of Global Citizenship through a series of lectures by renowned experts from all over the world, interviews with scholars, advocates, and representatives from all different sectors, and case presentations by active global citizens. The course aims to examine and critically reflect on the revolving issues around the globe at local, national, and international levels by providing a platform where learners can virtually meet and learn from one another. Learners will be able to deepen their understanding of the SDGs and global citizenship, exchange and embrace different perspectives, and challenge their own assumptions.   The course invites those who see themselves as global citizens as well as who aspire to assume active roles in bringing meaningful changes to oneself and to the society they are in.   In particular, applicants for this year's 10th Youth Leadership Workshop on GCED should complete this prerequisite course for the application. No. Module Units 1 Global Citizenship and the SDGs 1) Understanding Global Citizenship in the Context of the SDGs. 2) Why & What is Global Citizenship? 3) What does Global Citizenship Mean to Me? 2 Global Citizenship in a Challenging World Key Challenges to Global Citizenship - Education - Conflict, peacebuilding and inter-cultural/inter-religious dialog - Gender Equality and Women's Rights - Migration & Refugees - Panel Discussion on Critical Issues around Global Citizenship 3 Act to Change: Global Citizenship for Transformation Highlights and Key Issues of the SDGs - Women and Youth Empowerment - SDGs and education 4 Meet the Global Citizens Around the World Case studies of innovative movements and cases of global citizens 5 Plan for Action: Becoming Active Global Citizens 1) How to become active global citizens 2) Advocacy tools and strategies

    Application 03-15-2024 ~ 04-14-2024

    Learning 03-15-2024 ~ 04-14-2024

    Certificate Yes

  • GCED by Themes2

    Intro to GCED for Mongolian Educators (Хөтөлбөрийн танилцуулга)

    Дэлхийн иргэний боловсролын анхан шатны сургалт нь Монгол Улсын ЕБС-д багшилдаг 35 хүртэлх насны залуу багш нарт зориулсан цахим болон биечилсэн уулзалт хосолсон сургалт юм. Сургалтын хүрээнд Дэлхийн иргэний боловсролын тухай ойлголт, онол практикийн хөгжил, заах арга зүйн тухай видео болон унших материалуудыг олгохоос гадна жишиг хичээлүүдийн талаарх мэдээллийг оруулсан болно.   Хамрах хүрээ: 35 хүртэлх насны ЕБС-ийн багш (ямар ч хичээл заадаг байж болно) Хугацаа: 2021 оны 9 сарын 19 - 10 сарын 9 Зорилго: Багш нарт Дэлхийн иргэний боловсролын талаарх анхан шатны мэдлэгийг олгосноор ангидаа хэрэгжүүлж эхлэх, цаашид гүнзгийрүүлэн суралцах эхлэлийг тавина. 

    Application 09-19-2021 ~ 12-31-2022

    Learning 09-19-2021 ~ 12-31-2022

    Certificate Yes

  • GCED by Themes2

    Young Health Professionals' Leadership For GCED

    Энэхүү сургалт нь залуу боловсон хүчинд Дэлхийн Иргэний Боловсролыг олгох, залуу анагаахын салбарын мэргэжилтнүүдийн нийгмийн хариуцлагыг сайжруулах, эрүүл мэндийн тэгш хүртээмжтэй байдалд залуучуудын оролцоо идэвхийг нэмэгдүүлэх зорилготой юм. Сургалтанд хамрагдсанаар та дэлхийн иргэн гэж хэн болох, энэ нь залуу анагаахын мэргэжилтэн таны эрх үүрэгтэй хэрхэн холбогдож буйг мэдэж авах ба цар тахлын үеэрх манлайллын ач холбогдолын тухай илүү гүнзгий мэдлэгтэй болох юм.    Хамрах хүрээ: Анагаахын ухааны чиглэлээр мэргэшиж буй 50 орчим оюутан (үүнд АШУҮИС-ын орон нутаг дахь салбар сургуулийн сурагчид багтана)   Хугацаа: 2022 оны 8 сарын 25 - 10 сарын 25

    Application 08-01-2022 ~ 08-31-2022

    Learning 08-15-2022 ~ 10-25-2022

    Certificate Yes

  • GCED by Themes

    Global Citizenship and Cultural Diversity

    The course, Global Citizenship and Cultural Diversity is targeted at practitioners in the field of education and development, social and youth workers, as well as policy-makers and civil servants. The goal of the course is to further broaden their perspectives on the topic, sharpen their knowledge and skills, as well as to strengthen their capacity to carry out what they’ve learned in their contexts.   This course provides participants with a critical understanding of the relation between Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Understanding in a globalized world. The first module looks at Cultural diversity in a globalizing world within the context of Global Citizenship and Global Education. The second module of this course discusses the different elements of Global Citizenship through explaining the different elements and instruments of Global Education. The third module reflects on intercultural learning competences and the intercultural dialogue in the public political discourse. The fourth and last module of this course focuses on the practical use of Intercultural Global Education in terms of political and social action. It also explores the key dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals.   Next to getting acquainted to various theories and instruments, participants will, through assignments, work on their own strategy development plan which they can use after the course in their own context.

    Application 06-12-2018 ~ 07-05-2018

    Learning 07-16-2018 ~ 08-12-2018

    Certificate Yes