Courses by Registration
A wide range of courses with specific topics on GCED are available here!
GCED by Themes2
Korea-Japan Teachers’ Network on GCED Workshop 2024
APCEIU launched the Korea-Japan Teachers’ Training Workshop on GCED in 2021, targeting 30 teachers from Korea and Japan, offering various sessions to enhance the participants’ GCED competencies as well as to foster global citizenship. Since then, they have engaged in varied activities, including collaborative lesson plan development, online seminars, joint classroom projects and student exchanges. APCEIU is convinced of the necessity for continuing the Korea-Japan Teachers’ Network on GCED so that the created platform can further reinforce its role and meaning in encouraging the participants to truly understand the values of GCED and putting them in practice. In 2024, a new batch of teachers from the two countries will be invited to join the Network along with the existing members. To reach out to new teachers, APCEIU collaborates with the Japan Association of International Education (JAIE), Okayama University and Sophia University. Korea-Japan Teachers’ Network on GCED provides a training workshop for the participating teachers, which will be followed by the continued learning and interactive activities among the participants such as online seminars and case studies. In particular, teacher-centered learning communities within the Network are strongly encouraged for their mutual learning and interaction. The support for these teachers’ communities aims to provide a space for teachers to learn together, to broaden the perspective on GCED both as a teacher and a global citizen, and to reflect and grow together. Continuing the effort of enhancing mutual understanding among teachers and expanding their GCED practices, the Network aspires to contribute to building a culture of peace between Korea and Japan.Instructor-ledApplication 06-21-2024 ~ 08-31-2024
Learning 06-21-2024 ~ 08-31-2024
Certificate Yes
GCED by Themes
From the 60s onwards, an awareness grew among governments and citizens globally of an “environmental crisis” due to a wide range of human activities and problems impacting on the environment. There is now universal consensus that “climate change” is one of the most serious and urgent threats facing the survival of humanity. Given GCED’s vision to promote education and action to build a holistic culture of peace that includes human and planetary “development” based on values, principles and strategies of sustainability, the “climate crisis” is hence an indispensable theme in GCED programs. This APCEIU online course seeks to initially provide a critical understanding of the causes and consequences of climate change resulting in the climate crisis that disastrously affects the well-being of humanity and our planet. It also clarifies the alternative paradigms of “sustainable development” that underpins proposed and implemented strategies to address the climate crisis. The role of international policy and administrative institutions to undertake climate action, such as the Conference of the Parties (COP) to implement the UNFCCC, will be highlighted. Drawing on critical perspectives and social movements led especially by grassroots civil society organizations , NGOs and communities, the course also seeks catalyze personal and social action for climate justice in GCED. PRE- or CO-REQUISITE COURSE: GCED101: Introduction to GCEDInstructor-ledApplication 07-26-2024 ~ 08-12-2024
Learning 08-19-2024 ~ 10-08-2024
Certificate Yes
GCED by Themes
Human Rights in the Context of GCED
This 5-week course covers a basic introduction to human rights principles, standards and mechanisms, discussion of specific issues related to GCED from a human rights perspective, and an understanding of the teaching of human rights in relation to GCED issues. After taking this course, participants will be able to explain basic principles of human rights, discuss GCED issues from a human rights perspective, and expound on issues and systems of teaching human rights. Week 1 : Society, History, Culture and Human Rights Week 2 : International Human Rights Standards Week 3 : GCED Issues Affecting Human Rights Week 4 : Realizing Human Rights and GCED Week 5 : Building Sustainable Communities Various materials such as articles, videos, and documents from the United Nations, national/local governments, other institutions, and also individuals' are utilized for this Online Course. Each weekly syllabus has several sections containing materials and questions. Course PreviewInstructor-ledApplication 07-08-2024 ~ 07-29-2024
Learning 08-01-2024 ~ 09-11-2024
Certificate Yes
GCED by Themes
AI and Ethical Digital Citizenship
This course begins with an overview of AI’s evolution, clarifying essential terms and distinctions. We delve into AI governance, examining global and local frameworks, policies, and the roles of various organizations.Focusing on ethics, we will address the moral principles guiding AI, strategies for embedding fairness, accountability, and transparency, and analyze case studies of ethical challenges, including human labor costs and environmental concerns. The course also provides guidance on responsible AI use in educational settings, emphasizing ethical decision-making, privacy, consent, and data protection.We tackle the issue of misinformation, exploring AI's role in generating and spreading false information, and teach strategies to identify and combat fake news and deepfakes. Additionally, the course examines the broader societal impacts of AI, including its effects on the economy, employment, and the digital divide.By the end of this course, learners will understand AI's applications, governance, and ethical considerations, and be equipped to make informed, ethical decisions in their professional and personal lives. Become a well-informed digital citizen ready to navigate and shape the future of AI technology.Instructor-ledApplication 07-01-2024 ~ 07-18-2024
Learning 07-22-2024 ~ 09-21-2024
Certificate Yes
Exclusively for Youth
Voices of Youth: Youth Advocacy for GCED (10th Youth Workshop Participants Only)
The course aims to provide base knowledge and practical skills in youth advocacy to enhance the capacities of youth activists and to inspire potential young leaders to effectively promote GCED at local and global levels. Through the course, participants are expected to recognize youth as an active agent for GCED and gain competencies in planning and implementing youth-led activities in a variety of contexts. The course introduces what advocacy is, how to plan and carry out campaigns and other advocacy initiatives on GCED, and shares good cases and practices worldwide. Session 1 : GCED in a Changing Society Session 2 : Understanding Advocacy Session 3 : Youth Advocacy Examples Session 4 : How to Advocate? This course is designed and offered exclusively for the participants of the 10th Youth Leadership Workshop on GCED. Enrollment Process As long as your application is successfully submitted, you will be enrolled to the course. Please follow the instructions to enter the classroom. 1) Log in 2) Click "My Courses" underneath your name 3) Find "Voices of Youth" and click it to enter the classroom.Instructor-ledApplication 04-29-2024 ~ 04-29-2024
Learning 04-29-2024 ~ 05-03-2024
Certificate Yes
GCED by Themes2
Intro to GCED for Mongolian Educators (Хөтөлбөрийн танилцуулга)
Дэлхийн иргэний боловсролын анхан шатны сургалт нь Монгол Улсын ЕБС-д багшилдаг 35 хүртэлх насны залуу багш нарт зориулсан цахим болон биечилсэн уулзалт хосолсон сургалт юм. Сургалтын хүрээнд Дэлхийн иргэний боловсролын тухай ойлголт, онол практикийн хөгжил, заах арга зүйн тухай видео болон унших материалуудыг олгохоос гадна жишиг хичээлүүдийн талаарх мэдээллийг оруулсан болно. Хамрах хүрээ: 35 хүртэлх насны ЕБС-ийн багш (ямар ч хичээл заадаг байж болно) Хугацаа: 2021 оны 9 сарын 19 - 10 сарын 9 Зорилго: Багш нарт Дэлхийн иргэний боловсролын талаарх анхан шатны мэдлэгийг олгосноор ангидаа хэрэгжүүлж эхлэх, цаашид гүнзгийрүүлэн суралцах эхлэлийг тавина.Instructor-ledApplication 09-19-2021 ~ 12-31-2022
Learning 09-19-2021 ~ 12-31-2022
Certificate Yes