
Call for Application!

작성자 : GCED Online Campus
작성일 : 월요일, 10 4월 2023, 9:38 오전
조회수 : 2135


Instructor: Ivy N Josiah
Application period: 10 April - 21 April 2023 (KST)
Learning Period: Starts on May 2, 2023

In this course, you will learn how to become a more effective change-maker by gaining a deeper understanding on women’s human rights, non-discrimination, state obligation, and substantive equality. In addition, participants will learn about sexism, toxic masculinity, and the backlash against women's rights. The course will introduce you to different strategies used by advocates and communities from all over the world to plan an advocacy project to promote gender equality and prevent VAW.


* Participation in live Zoom sessions is mandatory during the course.

Click here to apply for the course!

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