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Dialogue with the Director of QUIPU: CALLS FOR JUSTICE, Ms. Rosemarie Lerner

작성일 화요일, 9 11월 2021, 5:32 오후
조회수 3742

In collaboration with SIMA Studios, APCEIU hosts a Virtual Film Screening Event that uses the power of film to transport us to the various locations on Earth where the global issues are taking place.

Two films, QUIPU: CALLS FOR JUSTICE and MEGOLONYO: WITH A MOTHER YOU ARE RICH portray the power of women’s solidarity and their endless endeavor to overcome the challenges they face.

A dialogue session related to these films was held.

Ms. Rosemarie Lerner, the director of the film 'QUIPU: CALLS FOR JUSTICE' was a speaker at this session moderated by Ms. Ivy N Josiah (Former President and Executive Director of Women’s Aid Organisation).

Dialogue Session

If you wish to watch the films, QUIPU: CALLS FOR JUSTICE and MEGOLONYO: WITH A MOTHER YOU ARE RICH, please click the link below.

Register Here to Watch the Films