Meet the Global Citizens

Get inspired by the stories of global citizens and get ready to start your own GCED advocacy!


Meet the Global Citizens

Discussion with the Directors of WHAT ABOUT OUR FUTURE & HOW FAR IS HOME

Wrote on Friday, 10 September 2021, 2:43 PM
Hit 4110

In collaboration with SIMA Studios, APCEIU hosts a Virtual Film Screening Event that uses the power of film to transport us to the various locations on Earth where different global issues are taking place.

These two inspiring films-WHAT ABOUT OUR FUTURE and HOW FAR IS HOME- tell the story of young people who are dedicated to overcoming challenges and spreading positive influence with their motivation and energy.

A DISCUSSION SESSION was held online in conjunction with these films.

Directors of two films, Ms. Jaime Leigh Gianopoulos, Mr. Claudio Cruz and Mr. Apo W. Bazidi presented on their films and shared stories behind them. 

Discussion on the films and the dialogue with the filmmakers was moderated by the GCED Youth Network, a group of highly engaged young leaders dedicated to advancing global citizenship.

Discussion Session

If you wish to watch the films WHAT ABOUT OUR FUTURE and HOW FAR IS HOME, please click the link below.

Register Here to Watch the Films