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Linking GCED with Democracy

작성일 수요일, 10 10월 2018, 11:50 오전
조회수 7441

"Linking GCED with Democracy"

by Paul R. Carr (UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship & Transformative Education (DCMÉT))

Part 1

The members of Democracy, Political Literacy and Transformative Education research project

 - Paul R. Carr, Principal Investigator (Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada)

 - Gina Thésée, Co-Investigator (Université du Québec à Montréal, Canada)

 - David Zyngier, Collaborator (Monash University, Australia)

 - Brad Porfilio, Collaborator (Seattle University, USA)

Part 2

GCED Online Campus