폐쇄형 강좌심화강좌
Human Rights in the Context of GCED
모집기간 | 2024-07-08 ~ 2024-07-29 |
학습기간 | 2024-08-01 ~ 2024-09-11(6 주) |
강좌아이디 | 2024_80_CL002_2_2_ |
강좌 일정 따라 운영
지원 및 선발 과정 진행
강사 개별 지도
이수증 발급
강좌 이수 직후 이수증을 발급 받으세요무료강좌
강좌 소개
This 5-week course covers a basic introduction to human rights principles, standards and mechanisms, discussion of specific issues related to GCED from a human rights perspective, and an understanding of the teaching of human rights in relation to GCED issues. After taking this course, participants will be able to explain basic principles of human rights, discuss GCED issues from a human rights perspective, and expound on issues and systems of teaching human rights.
Week 1 : | Society, History, Culture and Human Rights |
Week 2 : | International Human Rights Standards |
Week 3 : | GCED Issues Affecting Human Rights |
Week 4 : | Realizing Human Rights and GCED |
Week 5 : | Building Sustainable Communities |
Various materials such as articles, videos, and documents from the United Nations, national/local governments, other institutions, and also individuals' are utilized for this Online Course.
Each weekly syllabus has several sections containing materials and questions.
Course Preview