폐쇄형 강좌심화강좌

Human Rights in the Context of GCED

모집기간 2024-07-08 ~ 2024-07-29
학습기간 2024-08-01 ~ 2024-09-11(6 주)
강좌아이디 2024_80_CL002_2_2_
  • 강좌 일정 따라 운영

  • 지원 및 선발 과정 진행

  • 강사 개별 지도

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  • 무료강좌

강좌 소개

This 5-week course covers a basic introduction to human rights principles, standards and mechanisms, discussion of specific issues related to GCED from a human rights perspective, and an understanding of the teaching of human rights in relation to GCED issues. After taking this course, participants will be able to explain basic principles of human rights, discuss GCED issues from a human rights perspective, and expound on issues and systems of teaching human rights.

Week 1 : Society, History, Culture and Human Rights
Week 2 : International Human Rights Standards
Week 3 : GCED Issues Affecting Human Rights
Week 4 : Realizing Human Rights and GCED
Week 5 : Building Sustainable Communities

Various materials such as articles, videos, and documents from the United Nations, national/local governments, other institutions, and also individuals' are utilized for this Online Course.

Each weekly syllabus has several sections containing materials and questions.


Course Preview


강사 소개



Jeff Plantilla,

Researcher at HURIGHTS OSAKA, is mainly involved in the center’s Asia-Pacific programs on human rights. Committed to training educators and education officials, he has organized and facilitated numerous training workshops on human rights education, while researching human rights education and editing publications on the subject. He has contributed to APCEIU’s training programmes on human rights education and Global Citizenship Education as a facilitator and resource person for over 10 years now. 

강좌 리뷰

  • Oladiran Sunday Richard
    The lecture for the Human Rights course, within the context of Global Citizenship Education (GCED), was both informative and thought-provoking. The lectures/ sessions provided a comprehensive overview of human rights, emphasizing the concept of universal rights that apply to all individuals regardless of their nationality, gender, race, or socioeconomic status. The course was thorough and engaging, It successfully provided students with a comprehensive understanding of human rights, emphasizing their universality and connection to global citizenship. By incorporating real-world examples and guest speakers, the lecture sparked critical thinking and encouraged students to actively participate in addressing human rights challenges in our community/society.
  • Emague Roland John Cyril
    The GCED online course on human rights and global citizenship education is an invaluable resource for educators dedicated to advocating for human rights. As a Social Science instructor and champion for gender equality, I found this course profoundly enlightening. It provided essential concepts and insights into the realities of human rights violations, not only in my local community but also on a global scale.

    I am especially grateful to my classmates from different countries around the world, whose diverse perspectives enriched our discussions and learning experiences. The course effectively presented various solutions and remedies through comprehensive individual and group training materials. I gained significant knowledge and practical strategies to address these issues.

    I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our exceptional instructor, Sir Jeff Plantilla, for his guidance throughout this learning journey. This experience has truly enriched my understanding and commitment to promoting human rights. Thank you for this incredible opportunity!

    -Roland John Cyril Flores-Emague-
    Human Rights and GCED 2024
  • Koirala Sagar
    This is one of the best e-courses I have ever taken. I am thankful to Prof Jeff for his insights and learning. I am thankful to him for providing me with this wonderful opportunity to learn. This course has changed my perception of Human Rights and i have started looking it through GCED perspective. I recommend this course to everyone.
  • Nabizada Huma
    I have thoroughly enjoyed the "Human Rights in the Context of GCED" course. It has been an enriching experience that deepened my understanding of human rights and their connection to global citizenship. The course content, interactive sessions, and thought-provoking assignments have significantly contributed to my learning. I am grateful for the opportunity to engage with these important topics and will apply the knowledge gained in my future work. Thank you for this valuable experience!

  • singh chandan pal
    The course emphasizing the role of education in promoting an understanding of human dignity, equality, and the responsibilities we share as global citizens, the lecture shed light on the interplay between global challenges and human rights.
    Human Rights as a Core Pillar of GCED:
    Professor Jeff emphasized that human rights are not only legal constructs but also moral imperatives that shape global citizenship. He argued that GCED should focus on teaching students about their rights and responsibilities as global citizens.
    A particular emphasis was placed on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) as a foundational document that informs GCED curricula worldwide.
    Global Challenges and Human Rights Violations:
    One of the central tenets of the lecture was the discussion on contemporary global issues like migration, climate change, and conflicts, which often lead to large-scale human rights violations.
    Professor Jeff adeptly linked these global challenges to the importance of educating students on both their rights and the rights of others, stressing that awareness is a crucial step toward active engagement in global problem-solving.
    GCED and Social Justice:
    A critical aspect of the lecture was the connection between social justice and human rights. Professor Jeff stressed that human rights education must go beyond imparting knowledge and should equip learners with the tools to actively participate in shaping fairer societies.
    He discussed how educational institutions can act as platforms for fostering discussions on inequality, discrimination, and the rights of marginalized groups.
    The Role of Critical Pedagogy in Human Rights Education:
    The lecture highlighted the importance of critical pedagogy—an approach where students are encouraged to critically analyze their realities and the structures around them.
  • Thinley Choeten
    The lecture on Human Rights within Global Citizenship Education (GCED) was exceptional, emphasizing human rights as a foundation of global citizenship. It highlighted the transformative power of education in fostering informed citizens who recognize their rights and responsibilities. A compelling discussion on Bhutan illustrated the balance between universal human rights and cultural diversity, addressing key issues like religious freedom and gender equality. The session underscored the importance of dialogue and education in resolving conflicts while promoting justice and sustainability. Overall, it provided a profound and inspiring perspective on empowering global citizens to appreciate cultural diversity and champion human rights.
    This course was very interesting and we learnt a lot through the interactive and insightful sessions and activities. Much thanks the facilitator Prof Jeff and the facilitating team for their availability and flexibility in conducting the course. As far as I am concerned, I was happy with the content and themes covered. I can recommend the course to others to register for it
  • Ppo Houto Aobbey Ppo Houto Aobbey
    Review of the Lecture on Human Rights in the Context of Global Citizenship Education (GCED).
    Thank you so much for having this course and thank you Mr. Jeff and 2 his assistances for guiding us how to learn and how to share or discuss about the issues in each week. There are many contents and documents that we had to study but it was a great thing for the participants. This course made me realize about the Human Rights we can do for ourselves and our community. I love the equality and I love that the people know and realize about equality. Except getting the knowledge I also knowing new friends from different countries. They are so lovely and nice. We haven't met each other before but we can work together.
  • Tshering Pema
    Review of the Lecture on Human Rights in the Context of Global Citizenship Education (GCED).
    The lecture on Human Rights in the context of GCED was nothing short of extraordinary, masterfully illuminating the profound importance of human rights as a cornerstone of global citizenship. The session elegantly wove together the ideals of GCED, which aspires to shape enlightened and compassionate global citizens, capable of respecting the inherent dignity of all individuals and fostering inclusive, harmonious societies. With impeccable clarity, the lecture underscored the transformative power of education in nurturing individuals who are not only aware of their rights but also actively uphold their responsibilities at local, national, and global levels.

    The speaker's exploration of the delicate balance between promoting universal human rights and honoring cultural diversity was particularly captivating. The examples from Bhutan, a country rich in tradition and heritage, beautifully illustrated the complexity of reconciling traditional values with modern human rights standards. The thoughtful discussion on religious freedom, gender equality, and cultural preservation as pivotal issues in Bhutan provided a meaningful and real-world context, offering rich insights into how nations can navigate these sensitive areas. The lecture truly captured the essence of fostering dialogue and education as powerful tools for resolving such conflicts, paving the way for a more equitable and just society.

    In its entirety, the session was a profound and eye-opening experience. It offered a nuanced and deeply inspiring perspective on how human rights education, when embedded within GCED, empowers global citizens to stand as beacons of justice, equality, and sustainability, all while embracing the beauty of cultural diversity. It was a fantastic session, brimming with knowledge, insight, and the kind of wisdom that truly elevates one's understanding of global citizenship.
  • Kefaletse Jobe
    Learning about human rights within various cultural, geographical and historical contexts has deepened my understanding of the delicate balance between respecting cultural practices and the evolution of human rights. While it is important to appreciate diverse cultural traditions and historical contexts; which poses resilience and subsequent challenges when those traditions conflict with internationally recognized human rights. For instance there is need to fully understand ancient cultural practices that are perceived to be violating the principles of human rights. This topic has made me reflect on the importance of finding culturally sensitive ways to advocate for change, such as engaging with community leaders and promoting education, rather than imposing external values.
    Studying the historical development of human rights has revealed how past events shape contemporary issues. The legacy of colonialism, for instance, has had profound effects on the human rights landscape in many countries. Colonial powers often imposed their own legal and cultural systems, disrupting indigenous practices and creating long-lasting inequalities. Understanding this history is crucial for addressing current human rights challenges and recognizing the need for reparative justice and the empowerment of marginalized communities.
    This learning journey has significantly influenced my perspective on global human rights advocacy. It has made me more aware of the complexities involved and the necessity of approaching human rights work with humility and cultural sensitivity. I am now more committed to advocating for human rights in ways that honor and incorporate the voices and experiences of those directly affected, ensuring that solutions are inclusive and sustainable.