폐쇄형 강좌 2심화강좌
Korea-Japan Teachers’ Network on GCED Workshop 2024
모집기간 | 2024-06-21 ~ 2024-08-31 |
학습기간 | 2024-06-21 ~ 2024-08-31(10 주) |
강좌아이디 | 2024_80_CL002_2_1_ |
강좌 일정 따라 운영
지원 및 선발 과정 진행
강사 개별 지도
이수증 발급
강좌 이수 직후 이수증을 발급 받으세요무료강좌
강좌 소개
APCEIU launched the Korea-Japan Teachers’ Training Workshop on GCED in 2021, targeting 30 teachers from Korea and Japan, offering various sessions to enhance the participants’ GCED competencies as well as to foster global citizenship. Since then, they have engaged in varied activities, including collaborative lesson plan development, online seminars, joint classroom projects and student exchanges.
APCEIU is convinced of the necessity for continuing the Korea-Japan Teachers’ Network on GCED so that the created platform can further reinforce its role and meaning in encouraging the participants to truly understand the values of GCED and putting them in practice. In 2024, a new batch of teachers from the two countries will be invited to join the Network along with the existing members. To reach out to new teachers, APCEIU collaborates with the Japan Association of International Education (JAIE), Okayama University and Sophia University.
Korea-Japan Teachers’ Network on GCED provides a training workshop for the participating teachers, which will be followed by the continued learning and interactive activities among the participants such as online seminars and case studies. In particular, teacher-centered learning communities within the Network are strongly encouraged for their mutual learning and interaction. The support for these teachers’ communities aims to provide a space for teachers to learn together, to broaden the perspective on GCED both as a teacher and a global citizen, and to reflect and grow together. Continuing the effort of enhancing mutual understanding among teachers and expanding their GCED practices, the Network aspires to contribute to building a culture of peace between Korea and Japan.