폐쇄형 강좌진행중자습형 강좌

The SDG Challenge: Advancing Media Information Literacy and Global Citizenship through the Power of Film

모집기간 2024-06-17 ~ 2024-10-17
학습기간 2024-06-17 ~ 2024-11-30(24 주)
강좌아이디 2024_80_CL002_2_0_
  • 각자의 학습 속도에 맞춰 강좌를 수강하세요

  • 이수증 발급
    강좌 이수 직후 이수증을 발급 받으세요

  • 무료강좌

강좌 소개

By the end of this course, you will unlock the power of film to take your students beyond school walls, inspiring them to be media and information-literate global citizens and active contributors to a more equitable and sustainable world. 

We'll be taking a closer look at documentary films to explore the impact of visual storytelling to communicate ideas and inspire change.

And, we’ll be guiding you through activities that will make it seamless to integrate film into your lessons.


Session 1

  • Documentary Film For Media and Information Literacy

Session 2

  • Curate a collection of Social Impact Films and Resources

Session 3

  •  Implement The SIMA Challenge: 2030 Impact Campaign

Session 4

  • Report your Impact

 Deadline: You need to submit your impact by November 8, 2024 

강사 소개



Virginia Pittaro

Director of Global Partnerships at SIMA, an organization created to advance global awareness and social transformation through the power of impact cinema.

Her career in International Development focuses on unleashing the potential of individuals, organizations, and businesses to create positive change. For 15 years she has been supporting entrepreneurs, social leaders, and changemakers advancing a purpose-driven economy and education. 

Virginia holds a B.A in International Affairs, and Master's Degree in Public Policy and International Development.



SIMA is a non-profit impact media agency that celebrates, curates, and distributes documentaries + creative media projects that advance positive social change and support content creators, activists, educators, and changemakers worldwide.

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