폐쇄형 강좌진행중심화강좌

Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding

모집기간 2024-03-04 ~ 2024-04-03
학습기간 2024-04-16 ~ 2024-05-13(4 주)
강좌아이디 2024_80_CL002_4_0_
  • 강좌 일정 따라 운영

  • 지원 및 선발 과정 진행

  • 강사 개별 지도

  • 이수증 발급
    강좌 이수 직후 이수증을 발급 받으세요

  • 무료강좌

강좌 소개

This course seeks to provide an overview of the relationship between conflicts and social justice at local and global levels as well as peacebuilding initiatives to transform such conflicts in both South and North contexts.  It identifies structural violence or social and economic inequalities and injustices as one of the root causes of global and local (glocal) conflicts and also explores strategies whereby nations and their citizens can live together with justice and compassion to build a culture of peace through personal and social action.  Drawing on case studies in diverse regions in the Global South, four specific themes or sectors will be critically examined, including paradigms of development and globalization, the rural poor, women, and indigenous peoples.

Educators, professionals, and peacebuilders working in formal as well as non-formal educational contexts are welcome to enroll in the course.  It will provide ideas and strategies for integrating the theme of glocal (global and local) justice in programmes of global citizenship education and other interrelated fields of transformative education.



※For any inquiries regarding taking the course, please contact GCED Online Campus administrators, gcedonline@unescoapceiu.org.

강사 소개



is Professor Emeritus in Education, University of Alberta (Canada) and President of the World Council for Curriculum & Instruction (WCCI). He was formerly a Distinguished Professor of University for Peace (Costa Rica), Director of the Multi-Faith Center at Griffith University, Australia.    

Born in Malaysia and a citizen of Canada and Australia, he has been a high school teacher, teacher educator and social studies textbook author in the interrelated fields of education for a culture of peace, disarmament, human rights, global-local justice, intercultural understanding, sustainable futures, interfaith dialogue and global citizenship.  

He has contributed to several international networks/including UNESCO, Peace Education Commission, Religions for Peace and APCEIU. His involvement with APCEIU includes being co-author of the Feasibility Report for establishing APCEIU, a member of  APCEIU’s Advisory Committee and Governing Board (2000-2019), and a facilitator in several Asia-Pacific and Global Capacity training workshops, curriculum, and research projects.

In 2000, he was awarded the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education.  

※For any inquiries regarding taking the course, please contact GCED Online Campus administrators, gcedonline@unescoapceiu.org.

강좌 리뷰

  • Afsheen Fatima
    I found this course to be quite engaging as the teacher was responding to every post. The course contents were highly relevant and the assignments were challenging which made every effort worth it. Whatever I have learned I will try to pass it on to my students in the upcoming semester. I would be more than happy to get involved again in future courses offered by GCED.

    -Alumna Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding 2023-
  • Jamyang Drukda
    The "Glocal Justice & Peacebuilding" online course offered by APCEIU, led by Dr. Toh Swee-Hin, provided with a comprehensive exploration of the complex interplay between global and local conflicts, social injustices, and peacebuilding initiatives.
    Dr. Toh guided us through critical analyses of structural violence and inequalities, emphasizing the impact on marginalized groups such as the rural poor, women, and indigenous peoples. The course effectively integrated diverse learning resources, including articles, videos, and interactive webinars, fostering a collaborative online space. Overall, this course equiped me with the tools to promote social justice and peacebuilding in a globalized world.

    -Alumna Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding 2023-
  • Isabel Fernandes
    This GCED learning experience has been, personally and professionally, really enriching and empowering as the course has accomplished all its goals. Overall, it provided me with a critical overview on the complex connections and interdependences between multifaceted conflicts, social justice and peacebuilding at local and global levels with a particular focus on three of the most oppressed people: rural poor, women and. Indigenous Peoples. Professor swee-Hin 's pedagogy has enabled us to develop critical and constructive competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) as regards GCE in a democratic, respectful, mutually nurturing learning and collaborative learning space. The Professor's high-quality, rewarding and critical feedback was essential to our critical and holistic thinking and a key factor to enhance our learning.
    The course materials and tasks were very informative, relevant, well contextualized, conceptually challenging and thought-provoking. The relevance of GCE worldwide as an essential pedagogical and political social justice and peace-building tool has become much clearer as well as the ways to achieve that successfully.
    I am very grateful for this significant, socially relevant learning experience. Many thanks to APCEIU and to all the participants.

    -Alumna Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding 2023-