GCED by ThemesInstructor-led

Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding

Application 03-04-2024 ~ 04-03-2024
Learning 04-16-2024 ~ 05-13-2024(4 Weeks)
Course ID 2024_80_CL002_4_0_
  • Fixed Deadlines

  • Application & Selection Process

  • 1:1 Interaction with the Instructor

  • Downloadable Certificate
    Earn a certificate upon the completion

  • 100% Free

About the Course

This course seeks to provide an overview of the relationship between conflicts and social justice at local and global levels as well as peacebuilding initiatives to transform such conflicts in both South and North contexts.  It identifies structural violence or social and economic inequalities and injustices as one of the root causes of global and local (glocal) conflicts and also explores strategies whereby nations and their citizens can live together with justice and compassion to build a culture of peace through personal and social action.  Drawing on case studies in diverse regions in the Global South, four specific themes or sectors will be critically examined, including paradigms of development and globalization, the rural poor, women, and indigenous peoples.

Educators, professionals, and peacebuilders working in formal as well as non-formal educational contexts are welcome to enroll in the course.  It will provide ideas and strategies for integrating the theme of glocal (global and local) justice in programmes of global citizenship education and other interrelated fields of transformative education.



※For any inquiries regarding taking the course, please contact GCED Online Campus administrators, gcedonline@unescoapceiu.org.




is Professor Emeritus in Education, University of Alberta (Canada) and President of the World Council for Curriculum & Instruction (WCCI). He was formerly a Distinguished Professor of University for Peace (Costa Rica), Director of the Multi-Faith Center at Griffith University, Australia.    

Born in Malaysia and a citizen of Canada and Australia, he has been a high school teacher, teacher educator and social studies textbook author in the interrelated fields of education for a culture of peace, disarmament, human rights, global-local justice, intercultural understanding, sustainable futures, interfaith dialogue and global citizenship.  

He has contributed to several international networks/including UNESCO, Peace Education Commission, Religions for Peace and APCEIU. His involvement with APCEIU includes being co-author of the Feasibility Report for establishing APCEIU, a member of  APCEIU’s Advisory Committee and Governing Board (2000-2019), and a facilitator in several Asia-Pacific and Global Capacity training workshops, curriculum, and research projects.

In 2000, he was awarded the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education.  

※For any inquiries regarding taking the course, please contact GCED Online Campus administrators, gcedonline@unescoapceiu.org.

Course Reviews

  • Ravi Khanal
    This learning experience has been highly enriching and empowering, providing a critical overview of conflicts, social justice, and peacebuilding at local and global levels. Professor pedagogy fostered critical and constructive competencies, and his feedback was essential to our learning. The course materials and tasks were informative, relevant, and thought-provoking, highlighting the importance of GCED as a social justice and peace-building tool. I am grateful for this significant learning experience and special thanks to Prof Swee and entire team.
  • Eriab Lawson Thembo
    I am writing with a firm testimony to thank Professor Swee- Toh for the wonderful training that I have got from GCED. As a peace builder in my community , and as a university teacher, the learning I have got from this training is really invaluable. I am now set to practice some of the aspects of peacebuilding that I have learnt from the training, especially issues dealing with Justice for women and the rural poor. Thanks prof. Swee and the entire GCED Team!
  • Bright Dewu
    Bright Yao Dewu
    Glocal Justice and Peace Building was an amazing experience that had impacted my personal life in many positive ways. As a teacher I learned a lot from the facilitator in terms of his patience, fairness but firmness, and constructive feedback. I have been enlightened on the root causes of local and international conflicts for that matter the strategies needed to build an atmosphere of harmonious living for all. The timeliness of the facilitator and coordinators during the live zoom sessions, educative learning resources, forum contributions by participants made the lecture a memorable one. One of my big takes away is how poverty could get people fixated on their individual needs to the detriment of the environment and future generations. I will love to have this opportunity again and again. I am most grateful to the GCED online team and Prof for the space to learn to help contribute to global peace.
  • Cyril Mae Salera
    I was truly impressed by the lecture on Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding of GCED, which delved into critical issues such as global hunger and poverty, rural poor, justice for women, and Indigenous People's Rights. Despite being held online, the session managed to be incredibly engaging and interactive, allowing for meaningful analysis and thoughtful reflections on global challenges. I found it particularly inspiring how Prof. Toh actively participated in forums and utilized creative methods to facilitate online discussions, demonstrating a deep commitment to our learning experience. Receiving insightful and constructive feedback from Prof. Toh Swee Hin was a valuable aspect of the session, offering me opportunities for personal growth and deeper understanding of the subject matter. The references, readings, presentations, and videos provided were not only relevant but also enhanced my grasp of the topics discussed, allowing me to broaden my perspective on global issues and their implications on local communities. The lecture truly succeeded in providing a meaningful and enriching learning journey, sparking my curiosity and interest in further exploring the realms of Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding. I am grateful for this enlightening experience and eagerly look forward to more learning opportunities with GCED to continue my engagement with these important global issues. Daghang Salamat. :)
  • Masud Rana
    This online course “ Glocal Justice and Peace Building” provided by APCEIU was very much effective not only for me but also for all the participants here. The course had the relevance between its objectives and outcomes because it could fulfill my expectation. It was possible only because of its designing pattern and team work. Hard work of the host Archita and Meto kept us connected with the course always and we got necessary information time to time. I am very much astonished to see the hard work and dedication of Professor Toh Swee Hin. He used to go through almost every participants’ long reflection on the forum of every session and provided his insightful and constructive feedback. It deepened my insights on the corporate led paradigm of development and critical paradigm of development and I have received so many ideas which are responsible for conflicts, inequalities, injustice, deprivation etc. and through which the marginalized groups like rural poor, women and indigenous people etc. have been going through. This course has been designed so smartly that the participants have no choice unless going through its activities like reading rich and relevant materials, reviewing the power point presentation provided by the professor, reviewing the You Tube film show, dropping forum reflection and so forth. But according to the time limit, provided reading materials seemed large to me.
    I am one of the luckiest parsons to have this course and I am very much thankful to Professor Toh Swee Hin, host Archita and Meto and all the persons working behind the scene. Together we dream to build a peaceful society and the effort of this course will lead us to a step forward. I am happy and grateful to APCEIU. Masud ( from Bangladesh)
  • deting lu
    I enjoyed going through most of the materials we had to read for the course, including what Prof. Swee-Hin shared for our forum discussions. I also appreciated the opportunities to listen to everyone's stories and thoughts during our live sessions. It all helped me deepen my understanding of the many issues the Global South faces because of globalization and development. The fact that these issues are similar across various locations also reminds me of how interconnected our planet is, emphasizing the significance of Global Citizenship Education (GCED).
  • Yonten Norbu
    It was a valuable online course facilitated by Professor Toh Swee-Hin, who throughout the course assisted us with his wisdom, wits, and insights. Learning about the dominant paradigm of development and critical paradigm of development with respect to the global South and North, based on four areas—global poverty and hunger, rural poverty, justice for women, and Indigenous people—was like revealing the current world where we live. The forum where we needed to post reflections and analysis made me realize and understand the situations that the world is facing due to the dominant paradigm of globalization and development, which is profit-oriented, implemented by the TNCs, and is creating a gap between the "Haves" and "Have Nots," with unequal distribution of resources bringing injustice in many areas. The live session with the professor was really meaningful as we could interact with each other about the situations and possible strategies to be implemented through active discussion and participation. The professor was really kind enough to guide, facilitate, and help us in analyzing the focused areas very critically, ensuring we understood and learned the concept very well. Overall, the course was very impressive in nature as it addressed the current problems of the world, through finding strategies by thinking critically.
    I would like to thank APICEU and in particular host Archita and Meto for keeping us connected with the course. And my deepest gratitude goes to Professor Toh Swee-Hin for enriching my knowledge and skills in the focused areas, and I look forward to the same kind of support in days to come too.
  • María Alejandra Fumaroni
    Delighted to have the opportunity to learn about the Global South and the impact caused by globalization and economies from the above. I feel much more confident now after finishing the course in order to teach my students all these issues and strategies to overcome them.
  • Isabel Fernandes
    This GCED learning experience has been, personally and professionally, really enriching and empowering as the course has accomplished all its goals. Overall, it provided me with a critical overview on the complex connections and interdependences between multifaceted conflicts, social justice and peacebuilding at local and global levels with a particular focus on three of the most oppressed people: rural poor, women and. Indigenous Peoples. Professor swee-Hin 's pedagogy has enabled us to develop critical and constructive competencies (knowledge, skills and attitudes) as regards GCE in a democratic, respectful, mutually nurturing learning and collaborative learning space. The Professor's high-quality, rewarding and critical feedback was essential to our critical and holistic thinking and a key factor to enhance our learning.
    The course materials and tasks were very informative, relevant, well contextualized, conceptually challenging and thought-provoking. The relevance of GCE worldwide as an essential pedagogical and political social justice and peace-building tool has become much clearer as well as the ways to achieve that successfully.
    I am very grateful for this significant, socially relevant learning experience. Many thanks to APCEIU and to all the participants.

    -Alumna Glocal Justice and Peacebuilding 2023-